Here are some addons and downloads for you guys.. Some downloads such as a threat
meter are required for raid groups!! Hope they help.Brought to you by our freinds at....
Omen threat meter
A tm is required for raids
Omen is a threat meter. Basically, enemies in WoW decide who to attack by deciding who
is the most threatening based on the abilities you use. What Omen attempts to do is provide reasonably accurate estimates
of your group's relative threat level on individual enemies, so that you can see when you're in danger of pulling aggro (or,
if you're next on the snack list if your tank bites it). This info is usually only critical in raids, where only tanks can
survive aggro, but it's useful for any multi-player situation
Download Omen click here
Deadly Boss Mod
- Boss mods for all raid bosses
- Colored raid warnings!
- Bars can be enlarged when they are about to expire
- Some boss mods have very advanced features like the Loatheb healer monitor which allows you to setup
a heal rotation and see the cooldowns of all healers
- Synchronization system for accurate timers
- No dependencies, no embedded libraries, 100% stand-alone
- Modular design - all boss mods are plugins and can be exchanged, removed or updated separately
- Load on demand - boss mods and the GUI are separate AddOns and they will be loaded when they are needed,
e.g. the GUI uses no memory if you don't open it
- Efficient code: low memory and CPU usage
- Special effects like the screen flash and the screen shake effect to draw your attention on critical
events - for example DBM will warn you when Thaddius changes your polarity
- Bars can change their color over time and flash before they expire
- Many bar designs to choose from, all designes are are customizable: you can change the color, size,
icon position etc.
- Option to create custom timers, so-called "Pizza Timers" for your pizza or whatever you prefer to
eat while raiding
- Powerful object-oriented API - you can use it to write your own boss mods!
Download DBM click here
Most guild members use Vent instead of in game chat due to the fact
that I.N.C. blows....
Download Vent click here
Guild Event Manager
This AddOn allows you to create/schedule/manage future raid instance directly in-game.
Players can register (join) and reserve a room for your instance, or cancel subscription. You can setup a maximum players
for your event, as well as the min/max per class. When a player wants to join and there is no room left for his class,
he is put in a *substitute* queue, waiting for someone to cancel his subscription.
Click here to download GEM